12 Best Games For A Beach

Best Games For A Beach

 A beach is a place we go to relax, to have fun, to share romantic moments. A beach day is a day we learn to dance, do yoga, play ball games, or play with bean bags. There are so many things one can do at the beach that you will never be bored. 

8 Best Cars For Beach Living

Best car for beach living

Having a car in a beach town comes with its own unique set of challenges. Sand gets everywhere. Parking becomes a nightmare in the months of tourism. Driving on the beach is a lot harder than driving on the road and can lead to you getting quite stuck. With all this in mind, we have created a list to guide you through 8 of the best cars for beach living.

5 Best Bikes For Beach Cruising

bikes for beach cruising

Biking down a beachfront is a delightful way to spend the afternoon. It is also a great way to improve your health, both mental and physical. The act of biking releases all those feel-good chemicals great exercise brings along, like serotonin and dopamine, with that in your system you are going to feel good for hours. A beach cruiser bike is perfect to get that exercise in a comfortable way.

20 Stunning Beach Window Views

Prepare to be blown away. These images, taken from beach houses all around the world showcase some of best views seen from their windows. You should definitely grab some of the design tips from these houses to make your view just that little bit better.

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