Let’s hit the sand and have a fabulous beach picnic! Pack a Picnic Basket with some yummy bites and a bottle of Wine, and grab a Blanket. It’s on my beach bucket list!
Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton in Something’s Gotta Give (2003)
Are you ready to pack your picnic basket (Neutral or White)? Picture via A Quiet Life.

A delicious snack – and some added color! Some beautiful flowers in a fantastic picnic basket almost serve as a centerpiece on your blanket.

A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou

Everybody grab a pillow! A great low table, matching tableware – and assorted seats! A fantastic get-together all ready for a meal on the sand.

Sea grass provides a sense of isolation and shelter. It makes this a great place to set up your picnic blanket and dig into some fruit and cheese!

Nature will provide! Why bring a blanket when a palm branch can serve just as well – and give you a totally unique style!

Few vehicles go better with the beach spirit than a classic VW bus! Just open the door and pop everything out for a great time – and a bit of shade!

A simple tent protects you from the sun – and the striped theme runs through all the linens!

Along the Australian coast, a great picnic with a full meal, all ready for special friends.
These are all beautiful beach picnic ideas. Some simple, others more elaborate. Late afternoon, early evening would be my perfect time for a beach picnic…, enjoying the lap of the surf, and the sun slowly setting. If you want to make it a whole day you might want to bring a sun umbrella or construct a roof. I adore the tent like setups. They are so romantic.